Monday, August 29, 2011

White Cliffs of Dover

We were able to borrow a car for a week and as we considered our options of where to go we agreed on one spot; the white cliffs of Dover. Our family enjoys getting out in the beautiful world that God has created and this seemed like a perfect fit for us.

Maybe someday they will come back as adults and get a picture in this same spot.
It was not simply cliffs that you gazed at from the trail, this shot of a descending green valley on the edge of the cliffs was enchanting.

Here is a clear shot of the cliffs with a glimpse of a noisy distraction/entertainment that was coming. Hint: can you see the yellow thing?

Decades down the trail of life will we return to these cliffs? I can almost picture it; Becky and I returning with white hair (truth be told, I would have no hair at all).

Although it was a delight to watch rescue training, the proximity of this roaring beast marred the peace and tranquility of these colossally quiet cliffs.

You've sung the lines, "Don't build your house on the sandy land..." Well, here is the second verse, "Don't build your house on the chalky cliffs." Look at the remains of a once lofty and proud house that has fallen.

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