Friday, November 11, 2011

Starting Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving always comes and goes so quickly. You come to this point in the fall and say, "What?! Thanksgiving is almost here?" and then suddenly it's gone and all we can think about is Christmas. Ok, i admit, i'm thinking about Christmas even when i say Thanksgiving is almost here... come on, it's Christmas!!!! but this year I wanted to spend a little more time intentionally celebrating Thanksgiving. i love the idea of having hearts that are full of gratitude. it's something i'd
like to see more in my own heart. So here is our homely, scratchy, but very thankful tree.


gloryrunning said...

Love. This. So fun and pretty =)

Nathaniel and Charissa said...

The girls are growing up so much! I love this idea...and I love the Spradleys! Miss you guys.

Spradleys said...

Thanks! Charissa, i like the visual reminder in our home this Thanksgiving. i think i will be a new tradition.
Char, we miss you guys too!