Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 Signs that left us laughing

No What? If we had found this sign outside of a restaurant we would have been relieved to
save ourselves a few pounds. Yet we found this sign by the edge of a road out in the middle of nowhere. Apparently English cows have become prime-time entertainment for the youth.

I did see an article recently on the rise of road rage in England. Maybe it has something to do with the choice of violent wording for their road signs.

This seems like a creative way to prevent the tossing of gum on the ground; make a small but special hole for it on the top of your trash cans and put it right by the ashtray hole.

You may have difficulty in reading the small print on this sign but let me give you the jist of it. Apparently this particular one-way street has a problem with people driving the wrong way. This sign notifies people that this behavior is unacceptable UNLESS you receive permission from the Police Constable to "proceed against the one-way traffic." I don't recommend driving against traffic on a narrow one-way street, but I guess if you get permission you can blame the police if you die in a crash.

On a Sunday evening we attended Evensong (church service where much of the liturgy is sung) at a beautiful cathedral. There were many grey heads and no young children beyond our girls and a couple boys from an Asian family. My guess as to the absence of children is that it may have something to do with putting them in the Crypt on Sunday mornings.

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