Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ye Olde Fighting Cocks for 8 Years

Tuesday night, we went out to dinner with the girls for our anniversary. We ate at Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, one of the oldest pubs in England and located in the town next to us. The girls surprised us with homemade cards wrapped in homemade wrapping paper, and a paper kite that they had secretly been working on during they day. That is probably one of my best memories from the evening. Seeing how excited they were and being genuinely surprised by their thoughtfulness! the other best moment was when the Sticky Toffee Pudding came... oh man, the whole meal was great, but that pudding made me want to run home and look up the recipe! i'll probably check with my sister as i remember her making it several years back and it was delicious then too.

At the end of the evening, we drove by the St. Albans Cathedral; it looked so beautiful lit in the night sky. Our camera makes it seem much lighter than it was, in reality it was hard to get clear photo. It was a beautiful end to a special evening.

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