Saturday, August 27, 2011

Through International Customs...On Accident!!!

We enjoyed looking down at this port from the white cliffs of Dover. You can see a stream of cars getting onto a ferry in this picture. A steady flow of these ferries were going and coming across the English channel. It was great to see this international port from the cliffs but we hadn't planned on going on a visit until...

We took a wrong turn on one of the roads and before we were able to turn around we found ourselves headed on a one-way road leading on to one of the Ferries.
Even with GPS (SatNav as they call it here) you can still have the craziest time trying to interpret which exit to take on their roundabouts. Well, this time we interpreted it wrong and we soon found ourselves at a guard booth.

We had to explain to a guard at a gate that we had entered on accident. By that time there was no way to turn around so he gave us this Owl pass in order to let us through the gauntlet of customs that lay ahead of us.
"Customs: SLOW"

We followed the signs that had the picture of the owl and finally made it out of customs. I hope that is the last time we have to go through customs without making the international trip.

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